“Basic Instructional Book”
“Learning to Praise the Lord with the Harp”:
This 154 page method book is based on hymns and spiritual songs from Beginner to Intermediate level. Includes hand illustrations and exercises.
Hymns include: Amazing Grace; Be Thou My Vision; Break Thou the Bread of Life; Marvelous Grace of our Loving Lord; Nearer, My God to Thee; O Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness; Saviour, More than Life; When I Survey the Wondrous Cross; and 47 other hymns.
“Workshop Supplement # 1”:
For Solo or Group: 4 Levels of “Praise to God, Immortal Praise” in the Keys of C and F. Level 4 has 4 variations. All levels may play simultaneously.
Includes a 3-part canon: “Holy Father, Teach Me Your Ways” (Dona Nobis Pacem)
“Workshop Supplement # 2”:
For Solo or Group: 4 Levels of “Sweet Hour of Prayer” and “Holy God, We Praise Thy Name”
Includes Intros, Interludes, Endings and Variations
“Praise the Lord with the Harp, Vol. 1”:
Rejoice the Lord is King;
Crown Him with Many Crowns;
Christ We Do All Adore Thee
For Pedal Harps
For Lever Harps
“Praise the Lord with the Harp, Vol. 2”:
(not available at this time)
“Praise the Lord with the Harp, Vol. 3”:
The Hallelujah Chorus
For Solo Pedal Harp and/or 3 Pedal or Lever Harps